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Dr Mohammad Afzal Mahfuzullah
(MBBS,MCPS,FCPS,Fellowship in Vitreo-Retina(IEH),Observership fellow in vitreo retina (India))
Cataract, Retina & Laser surgery in Ophthalmology
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University

Associate Professor, BSMMU, Retina surgeon Vision Eye hospitalExcellent in patient Communication & online telemedicine…

12 Years Experience
BMDC - A48558
Fees: 500.00TK
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Associate Prof. Lt Col Dr. Md. Iftekharul Alam Renin
(MBBS, DLO, MCPS, FCPS(ENT) Post Doctoral Fellowship Training in Implantation Otology(Cochlear Implant) MERF, Chennai, India. Advanced Training in Implantation Otology(Korea, Poland, Austria))
Department of ENT, Head Neck Surgery & Cochlear Implant Center, CMH, Chattogram

Lt Col Md Iftekharul Alam is a hard working, promising and highly efficient ENT and Cochlear Implant Surgeon. He is a second…

18 Years Experience
BMDC - 35313
Fees: 800.00TK
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DR. Md.Khaled Shahrear
Trained In Microear Surgery KKR institute Chennai.
Rajshahi Medical college hospital, ENT Department

Dr. Khaled Shahrear is one of the prominent and experienced ENT Specialist in Bangladesh. He has completed MBBS,DLO,…

19 Years Experience
BMDC - A36511
Fees: 400.00TK
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(MBBS (Raj), DCH (Ireland), DCM (Community Medicine), MSc (Nutrition), MPH, MSc (Psycho) PGPN (University of Boston,USA) IPPN (Australia) BCS (Health) C-PED,CCD,FRSM (London) FRSH (London) MAMS (Vienna) PNP (Paracelsus Medical University,Austria) ENS (Early Nutrition Specialist,Munich,Germany))
শিশু বিশেষজ্ঞ ( নবজাতক শিশুকিশোর জনস্বাস্থ্য ও পুষ্টি বিশেষজ্ঞ ) NUTRITION MEDICINE & CHILD SPECIALIST
North Bengal Medical College & Hospital (Ex)

যে সব রোগের চিকিৎসা করা হয়ঃ- খাবার গ্রহনে অনিহা , খেতে না চাওয়া পুষ্টি হিনতা,কম ওজন, শারীরিক  বর্ধন না হওয়া১)…

42 Years Experience
BMDC - A-11219
Fees: 1000.00TK
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Dr. Nadim Ahmed
(MBBS(DMC), MS(Gen Surgery), FACS(USA), FMAS(India), Fellowship in Colorectal Surgery (India))
General, laparoscopic & Coloectal Surgeon
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Dhaka.

Senior Consultant (General Surgery)

25 Years Experience
BMDC - A-27589
Fees: 700.00TK
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(MBBS(DU),DMU,PGT Medicine and general surgery )
Medicine, Paediatric, Skin & VD, General surgery, Emergency Medicine,COVID 19
Labaid Specialized Hospital and Bashundhara R/A H:99,R:3,Block:C

Dr.MD.SADEQUL ISLAM SARKERMBBS(DU),DMU(ICITR)BMDC REG: A-90098 Dr.Sirajul Islam Medical College & Hospital Moghbazar,Dhaka 

4 Years Experience
BMDC - A-90098
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Dr H.M.Khaleduzzaman
(MBBS(CMC), FCPS (Medicine), MACP(USA))
Internal medicine
Classified Medicine Specialist

ডা. এইচ এম খালেদুজ্জামান একজন মেডিসিন বিশেষজ্ঞ ,যিনি মনে করেন ভাল ব্যবহার ও রোগীকে সময় দিলে রোগীকে সহজে ভাল করা সম্ভব। 

14 Years Experience
BMDC - A-57112
Fees: 500.00TK
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Dr. Khalidur Rahman
(MBBS,BCS,DOC( dermatology),CCD, Certified course on covid -19 (WHO,DGHS),PGT)
Dermatology,General physician, expert in covid and post covid management
Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka Cantonment,Dhaka.

Dermatologist and Govt. service holder(BCS-Health)

5 Years Experience
BMDC - 89999
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Dr. Warda Mozammel
(এম.বি.বি.এস(বারডেম), এম.ডি(পিজি),সিসিডি(বারডেম), বিসিএস(স্বাস্থ্য),এমপিএইচ,পিজিটি(ঢাকা মেডিকেল কলেজ))
ডায়াবেটিস,শ্বাসকষ্ট,হাঁপানি,গ্যাস্ট্রিক আলসার, পেট খারাপ,আমাশয়,মহিলারোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ

Passed from Ibrahim Medical College. I have done my post graduation training from Dhaka Medical College in Medicine department.

5 Years Experience
BMDC - 83727
Fees: 300.00TK
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Dr.Shamim Arafath
(BDS(CU)PGT(Chittagong Medical College) )
Ansar Dental Care

8 Years Experience
BMDC - 6147
Fees: 200.00TK
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