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Prof. Dr. Fawzia Hossain
(MBBS (Dhaka) , FRCOG(London), MS (Dhaka), MRCOG(London), FIAOG(India) DFFP(Glasgow).)
Gynaecology, Gynae cancer, Infertility, Pregnancy
Central Hospital, Green Road, Dhanmondi , Dhaka

Professor Fawzia Hossain MBBS (Dhaka) , FRCOG(London), MS (Dhaka), MRCOG(London), FIAOG(India) DFFP(Glasgow).                                          Subspecialist…

32 Years Experience
BMDC - 18707
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Abu Yousuf Md Shahidul Alam
(MBBS, MCPS (Medicine), FCPS (Medicine), D-Card (China), MMed (Cardiology, China), Certified Course in Cardiac EPS & RFA (Turkey))
(Medicine & Cardiology) (মেডিসিন ও হৃদরোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ)
CMH Bogura; Bogra Army Medical College; Popular Diagnostic Centre Ltd, Bogra

SSC (Rangpur Zilla School) (1990); এসএসসি (রংপুর জিলা স্কুল) (১৯৯০);HSC (Carmichael College Rangpur) (1992); এইচএসসি (কারমাইকেল…

14 Years Experience
BMDC - A-31076
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Dr.Fahmina Haque Queen
(MBBS(SSMC),BCS (Health)PGT (Obs. & Gynae))
Worked at Dhaka Medical College

6 Years Experience
BMDC - A69888
Fees: 400.00TK
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A.K.M.Monirul Islam
(MBBS(DU), BCS(health),MPH(Epidemiology), DA(DMC), PGT(medicine))
Pain Medicine

16 Years Experience
BMDC - A-49398
Fees: 300.00TK
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Dr. Jasmin Ara Zaman
(DGO, FCPS (Obs and Gynae))
Gynaecologist, Covid Patient Management
Green Road, GOD

DGO ( BSMMU), FCPS (Obs and Gynecology) Training on management of acute Covid patients under DGHS and Dhaka civil surgeon.

13 Years Experience
BMDC - A-42309
Fees: 600.00TK
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Dr. Adnan Al Berunie
(MBBS, MS (Phase A), DCH (In Course, AUS), PGT)
MBBS, MS (Ph-A), DCH (Course, AUS), PGT (Med)
Resident Doctor, Dhaka Sishu Hospital

বর্তমানে তিনি ঢাকা শিশু হাসপাতালে রেসিডেন্ট ডাক্তার হিসাবে কর্মরত আছেন এবং পোষ্ট গ্রাজুয়েশন এমএস কোর্স করছেন।

8 Years Experience
BMDC - A66460
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Tanjila Akter
Skin & VD
Sadar Hospital jhalokathi

5 Years Experience
BMDC - A-89180
Fees: 300.00TK
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(M.B.B.S, MD (Medicine), Comprehensive Training Course on COVID-19 for Doctors,Clinical Management of Coronavirus Disease,COVID-19 Awareness & Prevention)
উচ্চরক্তচাপ,ডায়াবেটিস,বক্ষব্যধি, হরমোনজনিত,স্নায়ু,পরিপাক তন্ত্র,চর্ম,বাত,হাঁপানি,জ্বর চিকিৎসা সেবা

Trust. It is an important foundation of any relationship. You must trust my skill & judgement to allow me to care for you.…

10 Years Experience
BMDC - A75278
Fees: 600.00TK
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Dr. Shaikh Ibne Anwar
(MBBS ( DMC), BCS (Health), FCPS Part-1( Medicine), PGT ( Medicine), CMU ( Ultra.) CCD (BIRDEM))
Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Rajshahi

I am Dr. Shaikh Ibne Anwar. I was born in Pabna on 21-07-1993. I passed SSC examination from Pabna Zilla School and HSC…

5 Years Experience
BMDC - A-82323
Fees: 300.00TK
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Sumaiyah Rafique
(MPH,M.Sc. in Food and Nutrition, B.Sc. in Food and Nutrition)
Weight management, Diabetes Management, Hypertension Management, Chronic and acute Kidney disease management, Cardiovascular Disease management, Hormonal imbalance management, Pediatric diet, Geriatric diet, Pregnancy and Lactation Diet.
Online Diet Consultation

I was born and brought up in United Arab Emirates and received my primary education there before completing my Ordinary…

10 Years Experience
Fees: 850.00TK
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There are two types of apps currently available, One is for patient another is for doctor. Both apps build for android version. Very soon we are coming with IOS.

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