Dr Jahangir Alam Mazumder
Ear,Nose,Throat & Head,Neck surgeon & specialist
Associare professor (ENT) Cumilla Medical College.

I am a human being,I am a doctor,I have to earn money,I feel the burden of duty toward human,I want the scope to help them.

15 Years Experience
BMDC - 22118
Fees: 600.00TK
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Dr. Asad sikder
(এমবিবিএস (ঢাকা), বিসিএস ( স্বাস্থ্য), পিজিটি (মেডিসিন) এমডি (কোর্স) )
মেডিসিন, বক্ষব্যাধী, হৃদরোগ, ডায়াবেটিস, বাত-ব্যথা, কোভিড চিকিৎসা অভিজ্ঞ
জাতীয় বক্ষব্যাধী ইনস্টিটিউট ও হাসপাতাল, মহাখালী, ঢাকা

রোগের চিকিতসার ক্ষেত্রে সবচেয়ে যেটা জরুরী তা হলো চিকিৎসক ও রোগীর মধ্যে একটা আত্নিক সম্পর্ক এবং পারস্পরিক বিশ্বাস। আমি যখন…

11 Years Experience
BMDC - A61877
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Dr. Md Redwanul Huq
Noble Care Consultation and Diagnostic Centre

DR. MD. REDWANUL HUQ. MBBS (Dhaka Medical College). Gold Medalist.General Practitioner (Experience - 15 years).Phone Number: …

16 Years Experience
BMDC - A-48433
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Dr. Md. Monzurul Haque
Skin specialist

Dr. Md Monzurul Haque is a Dermatologist in Dhaka. His credentials include MBBS, DDV (Skin & VD), MRCP (UK). He is employed…

2 Years Experience
BMDC - 104820
Fees: 600.00TK
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Associate Prof. Lt Col Dr. Ishrat Jahan
CMH & Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka Cantonment

12 Years Experience
BMDC - 43282
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DR. Nusrat Jahan
(MBBS (Dhaka Medical College), PGT (Internal Medicine, DMC), CMU (Ultrasound))
Dhaka Medical College and Hospital

Dr. Nusrat JahanHonorary Medical Officer (Internal Medicine, Dhaka Medical College and Hospital)MBBS (Dhaka Medical College)PGT…

2 Years Experience
BMDC - A99675
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DR. Soumitra Biswas
(MBBS(DMC), FCPS(Medicine Part-1), CCD(BIRDEM), PGT(Medicine) )
Medicine and Gastroliver
Dhaka Medical College

7 Years Experience
BMDC - 70216
Fees: 300.00TK
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(MBBS (SSMC), BCS(Health) FCPS-II PGT(Medicine) CMU (Ultra) Experienced in Skin Disease, Medicine & Child Health)
250 Bed District Sadar Hospital, Cox's Bazar

5 Years Experience
BMDC - A-102413
Fees: 200.00TK
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Dr.Md.Khalilur Rahman Pappu
(MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine))
Medicine Specialist
OSD in DGHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka.

0 Years Experience
BMDC - A29017
Fees: 600.00TK
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Dr. Murshida khanam
(MBBS, BCS(Health), PGT (obs. & Gynae) )
Daulatpur Upazila Health Complex, Manikgonj

3 Years Experience
BMDC - A-77962
Fees: 300.00TK
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