কাটা ছেঁড়া ছাড়াই ও রক্তপাতবিহীন আধুনিক পদ্ধতিতে মুসলমানি করা হয়।
…8 Years Experience
BMDC - A97608
Fees: 400.00TK

(M.B.B.S, MD (Medicine), Comprehensive Training Course on COVID-19 for Doctors,Clinical Management of Coronavirus Disease,COVID-19 Awareness & Prevention)
উচ্চরক্তচাপ,ডায়াবেটিস,বক্ষব্যধি, হরমোনজনিত,স্নায়ু,পরিপাক তন্ত্র,চর্ম,বাত,হাঁপানি,জ্বর চিকিৎসা সেবা
Trust. It is an important foundation of any relationship. You must trust my skill & judgement to allow me to care for you.…
10 Years Experience
BMDC - A75278
Fees: 600.00TK

শেখ আব্দুল ফাত্তাহ্
(MBBS, DTCD(DU), FCPS (Medicine))
Medicine and Chest Specialist
Green Life Medical College, Green Road, Dhaka
35 Years Experience
BMDC - A-16033
Fees: 1000.00TK

Dr sajia akhter
(MBBS (Dhaka))
BCS(Health), MCPS(Pediatrics /শিশু মেডিসিন), MD( Pediatrics/শিশু মেডিসিন-BSMMU,Dhaka)
Sir Salimullah Medical College and Mitford hospital, Dhaka. Institute of child and mother health, matuail, Dhaka. Magura 250 beded Sador Hospital. Bagerhat 250 bedded Sador hospital.
Medical Officer in ICMH(শিশু মাতৃ সাস্থ্য ইনস্টিটিউ) ,Matuail,Dhaka Registrar, Sir Salimullah medical college and Mitford…
12 Years Experience
BMDC - A52008
Fees: 250.00TK

DR. Meher Sultana
Dhaka Medical college & hospital
I have been working in the filed of Gynaecology for last 15 years where more than 5 years was in Upazila Health Complex…
18 Years Experience
BMDC - A-44147
Fees: 600.00TK

Khilgaon Diabetes Specialized Hospital
Khidmah hospital ltd
6 Years Experience
BMDC - A-83879
Fees: 300.00TK

(MBBS, BCS(Health), MS-Surgery Bangabondhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University )
Laparoscopic and General Surgeon, Breast and Colorectal Surgery Specialist
Sir Salimullah Medical College and Mitford hospital
I am working as a Surgery Consultant for the People's Republic of Bangladesh.
10 Years Experience
BMDC - 58581

ডাঃ মামুন আহমেদ ভূঁইয়া
( এমবিবিএস(ঢাকা) ,বিসিএস (স্বাস্থ্য),এমডি:মেডিসিন (কোর্স);সিসিডি (বারডেম),পিজিটি (মেডিসিন))
ডায়াবেটিস, শিশু ,মেডিসিন, হাড় ও বাত ব্যাথা,বক্ষ্যব্যাধি ,গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি
শহীদ সোহরাওয়ার্দী মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতাল, ঢাকা
8 Years Experience
BMDC - A 74633
Fees: 300.00TK

Dr. Khalidur Rahman
(MBBS,BCS,DOC( dermatology),CCD, Certified course on covid -19 (WHO,DGHS),PGT)
Dermatology,General physician, expert in covid and post covid management
Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka Cantonment,Dhaka.
Dermatologist and Govt. service holder(BCS-Health)
5 Years Experience
BMDC - 89999

DR. Afroz Jahan Aurin
(MBBS (Dhaka), CCD, PGT (Ultra) DMC, CMU (Dhaka),)
Ultra, Diabetes ,Gynecology Specialist
PSTC Model Clinic