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Dr.Md Hadyetul Islam
Diabetes, Medicine
Rajshahi diabetic Association hospital

I am Hadyetul Islam, currently working as a diabetologist in Rajshahi diabetic hospita.

6 Years Experience
BMDC - A 76403
Fees: 400.00TK
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Dr. Md Redwanul Huq
Noble Care Consultation and Diagnostic Centre

DR. MD. REDWANUL HUQ. MBBS (Dhaka Medical College). Gold Medalist.General Practitioner (Experience - 15 years).Phone Number: …

16 Years Experience
BMDC - A-48433
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( MBBS )
General & Family Physician
Lab-Aid Specialized Hospital

I am Dr. Minhaz Nasir, MBBS from Dhaka National Medical College Immensely Concerned in Treating Breathing Problems like…

2 Years Experience
BMDC - A-95451
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Dr.Afroza Akter
Senior Consultant of Lucky Dental Clinic
Lucky Dental Clinic,Ring road ,Mohammadpur,Dhaka

14 Years Experience
BMDC - 2251
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(M.Sc in Nutrition & Food Science, MPH in Epidemiology)
Green Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205

1 Years Experience
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Dr. A.K.M Mushfiqer Haider
(MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (surgery) )
General Surgeon
Abdul Malek Ukil medical Colleg, Noakhali

0 Years Experience
BMDC - A 29992
Fees: 500.00TK
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Affordable telemedicine health service

Sebaghar is committed to serving telemedicine service in the whole Bangladesh

our service is open for doctor and patient 24/7

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Download the Sebaghar Video Consultancy App!

There are two types of apps currently available, One is for patient another is for doctor. Both apps build for android version. Very soon we are coming with IOS.

Doctor App

Patient App