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Dr. Shadman Sakib Mahi

Dr. Shadman Sakib Mahi MBBS, D-Ortho (on course)

5 Years Experience
BMDC - A 96078
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Dr. Manjurul Karim
(MBBS, DD ( Thailand-Japan) , MSc in Dermatology (London))

I am doctor manjurul karim. Dermatologist and Dermatosurgeon. Have been in this field for last 6 years.

6 Years Experience
BMDC - 68490
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Dr. Md. Shafiqul Islam
(MBBS,MCPS(Medicine), MD ( Cardiology))

6 Years Experience
BMDC - A66938
Fees: 300.00TK
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Muhammed Abu Bakar
1.National Hospital Pvt Ltd,Mehedibag,Chattogram 2.Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College,Agrabad,Chattogram

5 Years Experience
BMDC - A-68354
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Dr. Sheikh Md. Faisal
(MBBS, BCS, DDV(Skin & VD))
Skin & VD
UHC, Lohagara, Chittagong.

ডাঃ শেখ মোঃ ফয়সালএমবিবিএস (ঢাবি) বিসিএস, সিসিডি(বারডেম) ডিডিভি (বিএসএমএমইউ)এলার্জি,চর্ম ও যৌন রোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ

4 Years Experience
BMDC - A 67693
Fees: 500.00TK
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Internal Medicine and Cardiology
Asgar Ali Hospital Dhanmondi

Cardiology for 3year and Respiratory medicine and Neuromedicine for 2year

6 Years Experience
BMDC - 69791
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Dr. Tasnuva Fatema Reshmi
MBBS,PGT(GENERAL SURGERY, ENT) স্তন টিউমার, ফোড়া, ক্ষত, গ্যাস্ট্রিক আলসার,পেপটিক আলসার,পেটে ব্যথা,কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য,বদহজম,অন্ত্রনালীর সমস্যা, এপেন্ডিসাইটিস, প্রস্রাবে প্রদাহ অস্ব রোগ/ পাইলস, পায়ুপথে রক্ত পড়া সহ সার্জারী বিষয়ে অভিজ্ঞ ও প্রশিক্ষণপ্রাপ্ত
Chattogram Medical College Hospital

Assalamu Alaikum.Dr. Tasnuva Fatema is a very much patient, friendly, helpful and dedicated Doctor with a 5 year work Experience.Every…

5 Years Experience
BMDC - A74050
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Dr. Farhana Yasmin
(MBBS, MD (Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology, BSMMU) Assistant Professor of Mainamoti Medical College and Hospital, Cumilla.)
Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology Specialist.
Mainamoti Medical College and Hospital

Farhana YasminMBBS, MD Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition from BSMMU.Worked as an Assistant professor…

7 Years Experience
BMDC - A 44105
Fees: 700.00TK
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Dr. Atika Sultana
Bangladesh Eye Trust Hospital

5 Years Experience
BMDC - A60821
Fees: 500.00TK
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Dr. Afroza Akhi
Clinical Content Specialist
Telenor Health

MBBS(SZMCH), CCD(BIRDEM)Course On COVID-19 Management by WHO & DGHS

5 Years Experience
BMDC - 84331
Fees: 300.00TK
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There are two types of apps currently available, One is for patient another is for doctor. Both apps build for android version. Very soon we are coming with IOS.

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