DR Muhammad Tanvir Faysol
(Medicine, Hormone & Diabetologist)
Medicine, Hormone & Diabetologist.
Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital(Ex) / Islamia Diagnostic & Consultation Center.

Dr. Muhammad Tanvir Faysol is one of the renowned, popular & experienced doctor in medicine, hormone & diabetes…

13 Years Experience
BMDC - A-51272
Fees: 600.00TK
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Dr. Nadim Ahmed
(MBBS(DMC), MS(Gen Surgery), FACS(USA), FMAS(India), Fellowship in Colorectal Surgery (India))
General, laparoscopic & Coloectal Surgeon
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, Dhaka.

Senior Consultant (General Surgery)

25 Years Experience
BMDC - A-27589
Fees: 700.00TK
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Dr. Shirina Yeasmin
(MBBS, CCD, DMU, PGT ( Obs & Gynaecology ), Specially Trained in TVS, Trained in Covid-19 Management..)
Obs & Gynaecology
(1)Medical Officer, Medinova Medical Services LTD,Dhanmondi,Dhaka.(2)Consultant, CMUD, Razanighandha Complex(Anando Restaurant Building), Opposite to Hamdard College,Holding no-66,Bir Uttam K M.Shafiullah Road,Green road,Panthopath,Dhaka..Tel: +8809678777163.. (3)Mukti Diagnostic Centre,75/1,Sher-E-Bangla Road,Rayer Bazar,Dhaka..Contact no:01716-281684,01911-621943.

10 Years Experience
BMDC - A-70339
Fees: 400.00TK
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Child Specialist at Impulse Hospital

12 years worked in Saudi Arabia under ministry of health as resident of pediatric department.20 years worked in Central…

42 Years Experience
BMDC - 7444
Fees: 800.00TK
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Dr.Mishuk Bhattacherjee
(MBBS,FCGP(F.Medicine),CCD,PGT(Medicine) )
Family medicine & Diabetologist
BIHS General Hospital

8 Years Experience
BMDC - A-67559
Fees: 300.00TK
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DR. Sayeef Hossain Khan
(MBBS (DMC), BCS (Health) FCPS (Medicine, GOLD MEDALIST), MRCP (UK), MACP (USA), CCD(Birdem), EULAR Fellow(Switzerland) Ex-Consultant (Queen Elizabeth Hospital, England)
ডায়াবেটিস, উচ্চ রক্তচাপ, কিডনি, বাত, পরিপাকতন্ত্র, ফুসফুস, হৃদরোগ, এ্যাজমা, স্নায়ু, চর্ম, হরমোন জনিত রোগ
Dhaka Medical College Hospital


14 Years Experience
BMDC - A59412
Fees: 500.00TK
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Dr Nikolas Chandra Roy
(MBBS, MS(Urology))
Urologist and andrologist, Surgeon.
M Abdur Rahim Medical College Hospital, Dinajpur.

SSC1996, HSC1998, MBBS2004,. Masters of Surgery (Urology) 2019.

5 Years Experience
BMDC - A40820
Fees: 500.00TK
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Dr. Tarzia Asma Zafrullah
(MBBS (Dhaka), DO(D.U.), MCPS(Eye), FCPS(Eye), Long Term Fellow in Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus)
Ispahani Islamia Eye Institute & Hospital, Dhaka

Contact Details: Apt. # A-3, ASSORT EMPRESS,                            …

16 Years Experience
BMDC - A-41727
Fees: 500.00TK
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DR. Sunsila Jabrin
consultation on Covid-19(certified course on covid 19),Pain,Fever,Cough,Any infections,Skin disease,Stress counselling,urine infection,sleep disorder,gynaecological disease
Anwer Khan Modern Medical College and hospital

MBBS,PGT(internal medicine),C-card(cardiology),DMU(candidate).consultation on pain,fever,cough,any infections,skin disease,stress…

5 Years Experience
BMDC - 81633
Fees: 500.00TK
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Dr. Shafaeen Zaman
(MBBS (DU), CCD (Diabetology, BIRDEM), MPH (Public Health), PGT (Skin & Vd))
Skin, Allergy, Sexual disease, Diabetes
Dhaka Medical College and Hospital

Dr.Shafaeen ZamanAge:31 ySex:MaleBMDC Reg:94277

6 Years Experience
BMDC - 94277
Fees: 250.00TK
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